225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015

About Governance, Leadership Teams, Networks and Clusters


Full Voting Members

President (2-year maximum) Norman Robert Boie
Past President (one year) Marc Grenon
Treasurer (no term) Paul Stanfield
Executive Minister Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (on sabbatical leave from June 2 to September 15, 2024)
Acting Executive Minister during Éric’s sabbatical leave Rev. Darren Liepold (June and July 2024)
Rev. Dan Hayward (August and September 2024)

including representatives chosen by leadership teams:

Pastoral Relations Rev. Dr. Christine Marie Gladu
Nominations Marc Grenon
La Table des ministères en français Rev. Pierre Goldberger
First Third Ministries Denis Ashby
Living in Right Relations (in rotation) Rev. Jan Jorgensen, Lisa Byer-de Wever, Rev. Read Sherman
Justice and Community Ministries Bailey Eastwood
Granting and Enabling Rev. Barbara Bryce (interim)
Planning Regional Gatherings Valerie Nickson
Finance and Extension Board Peter Bisset

Five (5) Full Voting Members at Large


1. Rev. Marie Claude Manga – 2025
2. Quan (Erika Leung) Liang – 2025
3. Adedeji Sunday Akintayo – 2025
4. Rev. Rosemary Lambie – 2026
5. Rev. Florence Bukam – 2026

Corresponding Non-Voting Members

Pastoral Relations Minister Rev. Dan Hayward
Communications Judy Coffin
Program Assistant to the Executive Minister Joel Miller
Regional Network Minister David-Roger Gagnon
First Third Ministries Shanna Bernier
Property, Finance and Administration Manager Brian Ruse

Learn more about nominating yourself or someone else for a role in the Regional Council: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/resources/nominations/


First Third Ministries


The First Third Ministries leadership team is responsible for vision and steering the Youth, Young adult and family ministries of the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council.


  • Rev. Joëlle Leduc 
  • Jillian Lalonde
  • Esther Marie Snarr Guillen
  • Rachel Lambie
  • Virginia Wallace
  • Judith Bricault
  • Jenn Carroll
  • Gary Tompkins
  • Denis Ashby (representative to Executive)
  • Georgia Barratt-Lamey
  • Jean-Daniel Ó Donncada
  • Billi-Jo Poirier
  • Bailey Eastwood
  • Shanna Bernier (staff)
Granting and Enabling


The Granting and Enabling Leadership Team (GELT) is established with the exclusive mandate to consider and recommend any granting or financial assistance from the various endowment and other funds of the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council (CrNRC), with a view to streamlining the granting process and reducing the burden both on the communities of faith and other faith partner recipients and on the volunteer members on the granting and enabling groups involved, while promoting a more informed and overall view of the needs and aspirations of CrNRC faithful in extending and deepening their ministries, consistent with the mission plan of CrNRC.

For more information, see the Governance Handbook.


  • Rev. Barbara Bryce (chair)
  • Fred Braman
  • Elva Crawford
  • L.E.Moir
  • Rev. Read Sherman
  • Rev. Helen Hliaris
  • Renate Sutherland
  • Rev. David Clinker
  • Rev. Mark Hammond
  • Rick Sheffer
  • Rev. Mher Khatchikian
  • Rev. Darla Sloan
  • Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (staff, ex officio)
  • Brian Ruse (staff, corresponding)

For more information, see the Granting and Enabling Resources page.

Justice and Community Ministry


God is calling us to expand our faith and theological understanding of a world-community where human dignity is defended, creation is mended and gifts are shared for the good of all. This keystone of God’s vision of justice, compassion and actions leads us deeper into this world and requires us to be present in our communities.



  • Finding ways of planting ourselves firmly in our neighbourhoods and communities;
  • Listening to the people there and engaging in constructive, open dialogue (inter-cultural, inter-generational, inter-faith)
  • Offering encouragement and hope.



  • Rev. Paula Kline
  • Lisa Byer-de Wever
  • Patricia Lisson DM
  • Guy-Lin Beaudoin
  • Rev. Jennifer Mountain
  • Rev. Helen Hliaras
  • Rev. Pierre Goldberger (representative to Regional Council)
  • Bailey Eastwood 
  • Adedeji Sunday Akintayo
  • Maureen Scott-Kabwe
  • David-Roger Gagnon (staff)

For more information, see the Governance Manual or download the Community Justice team profile.

Licensed Lay Worship Leaders


The Licensed Lay Worship Leadership program is intended to honour and encourage members of the Laity to share their gifts and express their faith while meeting the vital need of congregations to gather for worship.


For more information on policies and guidelines regarding Licensed Lay Worship Leaders, see the Governance Handbook.

Living Into Right Relations Leadership Circle



Shared leadership:

  • Rev. Read Sherman
  • Lisa Byer-de Wever
  • Robert Patton (representative to Regional Council)

Other members:

  • Rev. Jan Jorgensen
  • Rev. Richard Miller
  • Rev. Attila Gyorgy
  • Rev. Samuel Dansokho
  • Beryl Barraclough DLM
  • Rev. Linda Buchanan
  • Gabrielle Lamouche
  • Julia Budd
  • Grace Cawley
  • Cameron Gray
  • Natacha Sanson
  • Salinda Hess
  • Rev. Martha Nell Thompson
  • Graham Weeks
  • Rev. Tami Spires
  • Rev. Pierre Goldberger
  • Maureen Scott-Kabwe
  • Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (staff)
  • David-Roger Gagnon (staff)

Learn more: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/programs/living-into-right-relations-lirr/
Join Facebook Group: Living Into Right Relations – Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council 



The Nominations Leadership Team recommends appointments for the Regional Council Executive, and other leadership teams, boards, task groups, or United Church representatives, as requested by the Regional Council, its Executive, or the Executive Minister.


  • Rev. Linda Buchanan (chair)
  • Rev. Tami Spires
  • Rev. Helen Hliaras
  • Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (staff)
  • Joel Miller (staff)
Pastoral Relations


The Pastoral Relations Leadership Team will provide support for ministry personnel throughout their ministry, including equipping, covenanting, pastoral relationships and retirement.


  • Rev. David Lambie
  • Rev. Janet Bisset
  • Rev. Mher Katchikian
  • Marc Grenon
  • Rev. Tami Spires
  • Rev. Christine-Marie Gladu
  • Rev. Dan Hayward (staff)
  • Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (staff)
Planning Regional Gatherings


Our mission is to ensure that we are living out our call to be the church through worship and work. We seek to create meaningful, spirit-filling, safe spaces at least twice a year for the work of our for whole region to gather together in community face-to-face and virtually.

Our tasks throughout the year are to plan the two regional meetings held in the fall and spring, coordinate a meeting space, create a theme for the meeting, build the worship around the theme, and lead worship throughout the meeting.  Our team in collaboration with the sitting President of the region create the agenda for the meeting, work with the meeting space on-site team to provide them support as they plan to host the meeting, to work with spaces where remote communication and meeting sites are needed, work with our Regional Council technology team, and be on-site the day/night before the meeting to set up the physical meeting space.

What kind of additional skills/gifts might new members bring to this team?

  • We are looking for creative people!
  • People who enjoy planning large scale events!
  • People who are able to do physical tasks (moving furniture, setting up and taking down the space, carrying boxes)!
  • People who can speak, write, and read in a variety of languages!
  • People who can help us promote our meetings, get people excited to register, energize our people to come to the regional meetings!



  • Valerie Nickson (chair)
  • Shirley Stark
  • Rev. Joëlle Leduc
  • Rev. Kent Chown
  • Denis Ashby
  • Robert Patton
  • Marc Grenon
  • Rev. Éric Hébert-Daly (staff)
  • Joel Miller (staff)
  • Shanna Bernier (staff)
  • David-Roger Gagnon (staff)
  • Judy Coffin (staff)
Property and Finance

[Please note that as of January 18, 2024, the roles and responsibilities of Property and Finance Leadership Team have been delegated to the Finance & Extension Board]


Networks link people working on specific issues (e.g. supportive housing, intercultural ministry, youth ministry) or for project work (e.g. event planning) that function through the whole church, depending on the issue.

Clusters are local clusters of communities of faith that would provide community and support for communities of faith and their leaders, and focus on worship, mission, learning, collegiality, and strategic planning.

These bodies are meant to bring people together around matters that are close to their heart in living out their faith in the world.

Learn more: https://united-church.ca/community-and-faith/being-community/clusters-and-networks/getting-started-clusters-and-networks

Environment / Nakonha:ka Green Team



  • Natacha Sanson
  • Marion Hodge
  • Rev. Neil Whitehouse
  • Rev. Lee Ann Hogle
  • Rev. Wendy Evans
  • Mercy Awori
  • Judy Coffin (staff)
  • David-Roger Gagnon (staff)

Learn more: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/programs/environment-network/
Join Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/environmentnakonhakaecologie

Pride and Friends Network



  • (confidential)
  • David-Roger Gagnon (staff)

Learn more: (page in development)
Join Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/463343757798001

United Church Women (Executive)


The UCW’s mission is to love God; foster Christian commitment, faithfulness, and spirituality; and promote respect and love for all God’s creation.
Any woman “willing to contribute her prayers, gifts, and services for the work of the Church” may join the United Church Women (UCW). Along with providing important networking and social bonding opportunities, the UCW has led discussions on, for example, feminism and restorative justice.


  • Valerie Nickson (chair)
  • Pat Hurley
  • Shirley Stark
  • Janice Knowles
  • Sharon Moore
  • Carolyn Linde
  • Linda Scarriddco

Learn more: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/programs/ucw/

The following networks are not currently active




  • Beverly Anderson-Levine (staff)
  • Shirley Cartmill

Learn more: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/resources/archives/

Food Ministry



  • Ivylin Scott
Loss and Living Exploration



  • Rev. Ian Smith
  • Lorane Mckenzie
  • Bruce Houghton
  • Beverly Clark
  • Judy Coffin (staff)
Remote Communications



  • Paul Stanfield
  • Peter Mundie
  • Rev. Lee Ann Hogle
  • Judy Bachelder
  • Rev. Kent Chown (chair)
  • Andrew Schurman
  • Rev. Mark Hammond
Strategic Communications / Translation


As a multilingual regional council, it is important to have a clear strategy for communications across multiple platforms in multiple languages. The mandate of this team is to assess and determine priorities for translation, to ensure that important resources are available in English and French and to support efficient and effective communications across platforms.


  • Judy Coffin (staff)
  • Rev. Joëlle Leduc
  • Marc Grenon
  • Rev. Denis Fortin
  • Rev. Darla Sloan
Introduction to Clusters
Laurentian Area Ministry (LAM)
Saint Francis Cluster


Lay Members

Plymouth-Trinity UC: Sherbrooke Ann Fowlis (Chair until October 2022)
Georgeville UC Judy Bachelder
Saint Paul’s UC (Magog) Joan Bergeron
Hatley UC (Lennoxville) Kylie Côté
Lennoxville UC Sandy Davidson
Stanstead UC (Lennoxville) Dave Drew
Stanstead UC (Lennoxville) Lynne Drew
Richmond UC Lois Fowler
Hatley UC (Lennoxville) Kenneth Johns
Plymouth-Trinity UC: Sherbrooke Allan Marshall
Beulah UC (Ayers Cliff) Dean Young
Beulah UC (Ayers Cliff) Susan Young


Ordered Ministry Members

Waterville United Church Mead Baldwin
Retired Minister Supporting the Cluster Ron Coughlin
Plymouth-Trinity United Church Samuel Dansohko
Danville-Asbestos-Trinity United Church Reg Jennings
Ayer’s Cliff-Magog-Georgeville Pastoral Charge (St. Paul’s United Church/Beulah United Church /Georgeville United Church) Angelika Piché 
United Eaton Valley Pastoral Charge
(Trinity United Church/Sawyerville United Church/Bishopton United Church/Brookberry (Grace) United Church/Island Brook United Church/East Clifton United Church)
Tami Spires
Lennoxville United Church Vacant


Special Ministries

Richmond-Melbourne Pastoral Care Project Scott Patton


Staff Support

Administrator Eleanor Brown
Nakonha:ka Staff David-Roger Gagnon


Video: https://bit.ly/2022-11-18-StFrancis-AFowlis

South Shore & Valleys Cluster


Lay Members

Hemmingford United Church Debbie Beattie-Watt
Richelieu Valley United Church Norman Haslam
St. Andrew’s-Delson United Church Valerie Nickson
Kahnawake United Church Robert Patton
Maplewood Presbyterian Church- Châteauguay Kosta Theofanos


Ordered Ministry & Student Ministry Members

Howick/Ormstown/Franklin United Churches Rev. Barbara Bryce
Huntingdon United Church Rev. Dr. James Christie
Kahnawake United Church Rev. Jan Jorgenson
Rennie’s United Church Rev. Mher Katchikian
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian (Saint-Lambert) Rev. Barry Mack
Maplewood Presbyterian Church- Châteauguay Rev. Barry Mack
Saint Andrew’s-Châteauguay United Church Rev. Alice McAlpine
Saint Lambert United Church Rev. Jennifer Mountain
Greenfield Park United Church Rev. Birgit Neuschild
Mount Bruno United Church Virginia Wallace


Staff Support

Nakonha:ka Staff David-Roger Gagnon


Video: https://bit.ly/2022-11-19-SouthShoreValleys-JMountain

West Island and Riverside Cluster


Lay Members

Merging Waters Pastoral Charge
(Union Church/Beaurepaire United Church)
Libby Monaco (Lay Representative)


Ordered Ministry & Student Ministry Members

Beaconsfield United Church Rev. Linda Buchanan 
Bailey Eastwood
Adedeji (Ade) Sunday Akintayo
Summerlea United Church Rev. Christine-Marie Gladu
Riverside United Church Rev. Helen Hliaras Cynthia Reynolds
Cedar Park United Church Rev. Elisabeth Jones
Sainte-Geneviève United Church Rev. Joëlle Leduc
Roxboro United Church Rev. Darryl Macdonald


Community Participating in Shared Summer Worship

Lakeshore Trinity United Church Rev. Steve Gillam
Valois United Church Rev. Scott Hunter


Special Ministries

Refugee Integration and Support Program (BUC-RISP)
(Outreach Ministry of Beaconsfield UC)
Adedeji (Ade) Sunday Akintayo (Coordinator)
West Island LGBTQ2S+ Centre
(Outreach Ministry of Beaconsfield UC)
David Hawkins (Coordinator)
(Outreach Ministry of Beaconsfield UC)
Arit (Rita) Nduonofit (Coordinator)
The Beaconsfield Initiative
(Support ministry to the Philippines – Beaconsfield UC)
Patricia Lisson (Coordinator)
ORA Loss & Living Program
(Outreach Ministry of Ste. Geneviève UC)
Kathryn Harvey (Coordinator)


Staff Support

Nakonha:ka Staff David-Roger Gagnon


Video: https://bit.ly/2022-11-19-WestIsland-Riverside-HHliaras-CMGladu
Web site: https://www.westislandriversideunited.org/



Finance and Extension Board


The Finance & Extension Board of Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council, United Church of Canada was incorporated in June 1926 under the United Church of Canada Act. The assets of the board acquired over many years from acquisitions of property, donations, bequests and the investment thereof are invested in a balanced portfolio. The investment of these funds is entrusted to professional investment counsel. The income and gains from these investments are used to carry out the purposes of the Board through certain annual programs and grants.

MEMBERS (2023-2024)

  • Peter Bisset (President and representative to Regional Council)
  • Fred Braman (Vice-President)
  • Rick Sheffer (Past President)
  • Paul Stanfield (Treasurer)
  • Caroline Leamon (Secretary)
  • Craig McAlpine
  • Dave McCormack
  • David Clinker
  • Diane Campbell
  • Jim Fyles
  • Jim Moffat
  • Jim Vanstone
  • Marc Grenon
  • Monique Moser
  • Paul Clarke
  • Paula Kline
  • Royal Orr
  • Ted Rutherford
  • Thomas Kent


  • Thomas Kent (Chair)
  • Ted Rutherford
  • Rick Sheffer
  • Peter Bisset
  • Paul Stanfield
  • Dave McCormack
  • Craig McAlpine
  • Fred Braman
  • Marc Grenon
  • Brian Ruse, Finance & Office Administrator
  • Caroline Leamon, Finance & Extension Board Secretary


  • Paul Stanfield (chair)
  • Rick Sheffer
  • Peter Bisset
  • Fred Braman
  • Ted Rutherford
  • Thomas Kent
  • Craig McAlpine
  • Brian Ruse, Finance & Office Administrator
  • Caroline Leamon, Finance & Extension Board Secretary


  • Fred Braman (chair)
  • Peter Bisset 
  • David Clinker
  • Paul Stanfield
  • Jim Moffat
  • Jim Vanstone
  • Marc Grenon
  • Rick Sheffer
  • Brian Ruse, Finance & Office Administrator
  • Caroline Leamon, Finance & Extension Board Secretary


  • Monique Moser (chair)
  • Dave McCormack
  • Brian Ruse, Finance & Office Administrator
  • Caroline Leamon, Finance & Extension Board Secretary
  • Resource persons: Lynn Drew, Renate Sutherland

For more information: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/resources/bursaries/

Sabbatical Leave

  • Diane Campbell
  • Jim Fyles
  • Caroline Leamon, Finance & Extension Board Secretary
  • Brian Ruse, Finance & Office Administrator

For more information: https://nakonhakaucc.ca/resources/sabbatical-leave


  • Rick Sheffer (chair)
  • Paul Stanfield


Indigenous Ministries

Indigenous spirituality, leadership, and participation are vital to the life of the United Church. The Indigenous contribution to the church is honoured by the Mohawk phrase “Akwe Nia’Tetewá:neren”—all my relations—on the crest.

For more information, visit the Indigenous Ministries page of the United Church of Canada website

La Table des ministères en français


La Table des ministères en français was created with the intention of ensuring, on a continuous basis, cultural and linguistic representation within the United Church of Canada, whose conciliar structures are undergoing transformation.

La Table has three fundamental objectives: to support the French-language departments already in place; promote the establishment of new ministries in French; and to help the whole Church to respect its commitments regarding the use of French. The establishment of links with French-speaking churches on an international scale and the sharing of experience from secularized French-speaking environments will constitute important contributions for the whole of the Church.

For more information, see Covenant-LaTable-Bilingual or contact Rev. Darla Sloan, Responsable des ministères en français (interim)