225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015

Granting and Enabling

Regional Council grants available - How can we help your community of faith to thrive? Application deadline February 15, 2024

Next deadline for applications - February 15, 2025








Deadlines for application

February 15* / May 15 / September 15**

*Erskine-American-Mountainside grant applications are only accepted in February (except for urgency, new situations, unforeseen emergencies)
**Mission Support grant applications are only accepted in September


Download forms

Please send completed applications and outcome reports to Brian Ruse, Finance and Administration.

E-mail: BRuse@united-church.ca
Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council
225-50th Avenue, Lachine, Québec, H8T 2T7
Tel: 514-634-7015
Fax: 514-634-2489

NEW IN 2024! Rosemary Lambie Fund for Learning: Respecting our Indigenous Neighbours

Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council is thrilled to announce the creation of a new fund to honour the faithful service of the Reverend Rosemary Lambie for many years with Presbytery, Conference and finally as Executive Minister of Regional Council and her...

Grants Available to Communities of Faith

  • NEW in 2024! Regional Strategic Fund
    To support work identified as priority in Strategic Plan
  • NEW in 2024! Rosemary Lambie Fund for Learning
    Respecting our Indigenous Neighbours
  • Mission Support
    For missions and ministries core funding needs
  • Good Samaritan Fund
    For programs to support seniors at risk
  • Erskine & American – Mountainside Fund
    For programs to support outreach or transformation
  • F.W. Kelley Trust Fund
    To support new or innovative ministry programs
  • Bhal Jun 발전 Fund
    To support ministries special needs
  • Ste-Thérèse Fund
    To support Laurentian Area Ministry in French
  • Trois Rivières Funds & Grand Mère Fund
    To support ministries in French
  • United Church of Canada Foundation
    To support communities of faith in various programs

More information 

(Listed alphabetically; click on boxes to read more)

Bhal Jun 발전 Fund

To support ministries special needs

The “BHAL-JUN 발전 Fund” is one of the funds that provide monies to be used in projects throughout the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council. On April 29, 2014, the Synode Montreal and Ottawa Conference Executive approved the name which means ‘development’ in Korean. Using proceeds of the sale of the Central Korean United Church in Montreal, this fund is intended to provide seed money for new, innovative and unique projects. It does not fund annual operational costs.

  • New Ministry Initiatives
  • Overseas Global Partner Support
  • Aboriginal Ministry
  • Youth and Young Adult
  • Intercultural
  • Transitional Work
  • Archives
  • Other

Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate clear goals with a well-developed plan for achieving the goals. Outcomes shall be measurable and a plan for assessment shall also be included.

The application will demonstrate the following:

  • Encourage new expressions of ministry with the ability to be vital and effective;
  • A strong faith commitment;
  • Good management of finances, staff and/or volunteers;
  • Cooperation among congregations or other groups;
  • Broad support from the church and, if appropriate, the community

Multi-year funding will be considered in appropriate circumstances, subject to regular progress reports and financial reports (funding for a maximum of three years).

Applicants who submit requests for funding for projects they previously received a grant for should be aware that they may not receive any funding in subsequent years or, if they do receive funding, that it will be at a reduced level.

The Leadership Team will not consider applications that are from or for the benefit of an individual or to reduce accumulated capital or operating deficits.

Accountability for the use of grants shall be governed by the following:

  • A plan for the project, its operations and assessment will be required;
  • Financial reporting shall be made available at predetermined times and upon request;
  • Regular evaluation of the project at predetermined times.
  • Applications shall have been approved by the governing body of the submitting group.

Bhal-Jun 발전 Grant Process

  1. Develop a vision and plan for the project.
  2. Use the standardized application form to detail the vision and plans.
  3. Obtain appropriate approvals.
  4. Send the application and supporting documentation to the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council office (c/o Brian Ruse) indicating the application is for “BHAL-JUN 발전 Fund”
  5. The applicant will be notified that the application has been received and advised of the timeline for its consideration.
  6. Following consideration by the Granting and Enabling Leadership Team, the applicant will be contacted to be informed of the decision or to solicit further information.
  7. A final written evaluation report is expected and is an opportunity to celebrate the learnings of the project with the regional council.
Erskine & American – Mountainside Fund

For programs to support outreach or transformation

*****Please note that Erskine-American-Mountainside grant applications are only accepted once a year (February) except for urgency, new situations, unforeseen emergencies*****

The Fund was created by the Amalgamation Motion adopted by Montreal Presbytery of 15 June 2004, concurring in the joint proposal made by Erskine and American United Church (Erskine) and its two successors Mountainside United Church and St. James United Church. A 40% share of the net assets of Erskine was vested in the Montreal Presbytery for the purposes of creating the Erskine and American Trust Fund (the Fund). This sum, when all was received in 2008, amounted to about $2,100,000.00.

In late 2007, a further $207,000.00 of capital was contributed from the disbanding of St. Andrew’s-Norwood United Church.

In November 2018 when Mountainside United Church sold its Church Building, Québec Presbytery concurred in its Plan of Distribution to contribute to the Fund a further capital sum of $650,000.00 (about 17 % of the proceeds) with no change to the terms of the Fund except to include the name Mountainside to the name of the Trust “Erskine and American-Mountainside Trust Fund.”

[NOTE: As the Terms of Reference originate in the Amalgamation Motion of 2004, any amendment by Regional Council requires the prior consent of St. James United Church and Mountainside United Church, or their successor entities.]

The present Terms of the Fund are updated and restated as follows:

1. The funds were used to establish the Erskine and American-Mountainside Trust Fund, and the return on its investment shall continue the outreach ministry, missions and heritage of Erskine and American United Church and any new ventures and needs yet to be determined.

2. The income shall be devoted to a balance of:

a) the outreach ministry of the Erskine and American United Church tradition and to any new ventures and needs yet to be determined,


b) transformational ministries identified by Regional Council.

It is recognized that these two categories may well overlap.

3. To aid in identifying the Erskine and American outreach ministry tradition, Erskine furnished a list of its pre-2004 ongoing endeavours. This list was for consideration/reference and evolves over time.*

[*NOTE: Since that time the Griffith McConnell Residence discontinued operations (2010). From its net proceeds (and the related foundation) the Good Samaritan Fund (GSF) was established in 2012 within United Church of Canada Foundation. GSF disbursements are determined by the Regional Council and earmarked for ministry and outreach with seniors within the bounds of the Regional Council as recommended by GELT. Per the United Church of Canada Foundation: “This Fund focuses on granting to programs that work with seniors at risk (with special attention paid to those within the former Montreal Presbytery’s jurisdiction) which will both benefit most from these funds and remain consistent with the original intent of the mission of The United Church Montreal Homes for Elderly People Griffith-McConnell. ” The E & A-M Fund will normally defer to GSF for grant applications concerning such projects.]

4. The Regional Council identifies as transformational such matters as ministry in French, cluster-ministry, small group ministry, youth work, faith development and training initiatives, and this list evolves over time.

5. The Trust is held and managed by the Finance and Extension Board and the use of the return on investment is determined by the Regional Council on the recommendation of its Granting and Enabling Leadership Team (GELT). GELT, and any committee making such recommendations to GELT, shall include at least one representative each from Mountainside United Church and St. James United Church. The E & A-M Trustees specifically shall include one representative from each from St. James United Church and Mountainside United Church. The E & A-M Trust committee shall also include up to three other trustees proposed by the Trustees, and approved by Regional Council Executive. GELT shall recommend spending to the Regional Council at least once a year and more often when necessary, with Regional Council having the final authority in the matter of spending. The Fund normally entertains applications once per year, in the first quarter, with any subsequent request being reviewed on a special needs basis only (urgency, new situations, unforeseen emergencies).

6. The duty to recommend by GELT means that the Regional Council must either accept the recommendation or refer a particular decision on assistance (normally a single grant/assistance application) back to GELT for reconsideration.

7. The expression “return on investment” shall mean 5% of the capital base of the Fund as at the end of year preceding the Budget year. Capital base shall be the average closing Fund balance of the eight quarters ending December 31 of the year preceding the Budget year. The Trust may recommend to Regional Council a change in such disbursement policy every three years so that it continues to respect best foundation practice in Canada.

8. Any sums not expended (or committed) by the Trust in any Budget year may, in the discretion of the Fund, be carried forward to the subsequent year.

9. Grants are only awarded for the year in which the application is received. However, the applicant may expend its received grant in the current year, or in the following year, up to 30 June (unless further extended by GELT), to conclude a project started in the year the grant is awarded.

10. The Trust has determined that grants should not be primarily property renewal (building) in nature. Grant applications are expected to be sponsored by communities of faith, including outreach ministries or leadership teams of the Regional Council.**

[**NOTE: The capital project regarding Union United Church was an exception, unique to the situation at that time, for a specific time period only, and is now historical.]

11. In all cases the grants must be within the bounds of the Nakonha:ka Regional Council or accessory to its activities, and must be made to registered Canadian charitable organizations or be directly supervised or subject to the oversight of United Church organizations or partners under Canadian charitable regulations. Grants to individuals are not permitted. The application must include the faith rationale underlying the proposed project.

12. Grants should not be to support an organization’s staff salary costs, but it is recognized that many programs initially require some hands-on, non-managerial, staffing.

13. Grants under the category of “transformational” are in the nature of start- up initiatives and should not normally extend beyond three years, although it is recognized that sustainable outside financing may take longer for some programs. In the latter cases the applicant must ask for an exception to this rule and provide its reasoning and its plan for sustainable funding.

14. The format of grant applications and reporting on outcomes are established by GELT and an applicant cannot apply for future grants unless an outcomes report has been supplied to GELT for prior grants to that applicant.

15. In all cases grant applications state the theological rationale of the proposed use of funds, as the Trust is to be employed in furtherance of the life and ministry of the United Church of Canada.

Erskine and American Trust Fund
c/o Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council
225-50th Avenue, Lachine, Québec, H8T 2T7

Tel: 514-634-7015
Fax: 514-634-2489
E-mail: BRuse@united-church.ca

Download terms of reference: Erskine American Mountainside – Terms of Reference (June 2023)

F.W. Kelley Trust Fund

To support new or innovative ministry programs

The Kelley Trust was created by a bequest many years ago under the Will of Dr. Frederick Kelley who had been Sunday School Superintendent of Montreal West United Church and a founder of nearby Rockfield United Church in Ville Saint-Pierre, which had been sponsored by Montreal West UC.

Dr. Kelley’s Will provided for 3 Trustees, one of whom is the minister at Montreal West UC and the other two including a member of the Finance and Extension Board and a member of the Regional Council (formerly the Presbytery). The Trustees decide alone (and unanimously) on all grants and NO Regional Council approval is needed – according the Trustees normally act very quickly on applications.

The Kelley Fund focus is on new and innovative ministry programs, particularly with a strong hands-on involvement of United Church folk in witnessing and learning. There is a three-year limit on support grants, preferring start-ups or other initiatives (including one-time events) intended to promote United Church spiritual life and presence in our community. The Kelley Trust is very much about faith enhancement and transformation.

The Kelley Trust Fund has up to $30,000 annually to disburse (as it limits expenditures to 5% of the capital balance which is about $600,000) and its grants are typically $2500 or less.

Application Process

Applications should be completed on the general application form established by the Granting and Enabling Leadership Team and should be sent by email or mail to the Regional Council Office which contacts the Trustees and communicates their decisions. The Trustees can be approached verbally but the contact person should be the Minister at Montreal West United Church.

The Kelley Trustees as of January 1, 2020 are Rev. Mark Hammond, Fred Braman and Renate Sutherland.

Good Samaritan Fund

For programs to support seniors at risk

The Good Samaritan Fund is established with The United Church of Canada Foundation (UCCF) as a perpetual endowment fund. This fund was created with fifty percent (50%) of the assets from the sale of the United Church Montreal Homes for Elderly People (Griffith-McConnell Residence) building ($2.25 million) along with all of the assets held by the Good Samaritan Foundation / La Fondation du Bon Samaritan ($2.5 million) and the assets of the Amelia Toeper Fund ($0.15 million). This fund will total approximately $7 million.

Projects relating to work for the relief of the aged in the Province of Quebec and seniors at risk (with special attention paid to those within the jurisdiction of Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council) will benefit most from these funds, in line with the original intent of the mission of The United Church Montreal Homes for Elderly People (Griffith-McConnell Residence).

The Good Samaritan Committee also encourages applications for smaller one-time projects such as funding for a speaker series, projects of short duration, etc. Capital improvement projects or computer expenses will not be considered.

Following the best practices of Canadian charitable foundations, the Fund will disburse approximately $350,000 per annum. A staggered and tiered granting process is recommended to ensure funds are available each year. Grant disbursements typically range from a minimum of $5,000 to a maximum of $35,000.

Generally, grants are disbursed in installments bi-annually. All recipients will be subject to annual reviews (or more frequent if the committee deems necessary) before the next installment of their grant is distributed. This may involve an onsite inspection in addition to financial review. If grants for Quebec area projects do not expend the annual disbursement limit, the United Church of Canada Foundation may use the remainder for seniors’ projects elsewhere in Canada as per the terms of the Good Samaritan Fund or Watkins Fund for innovative seniors’ ministry.

Good Samaritan Fund Application Process

The committee will announce a call for applications twice a year—in the spring and in the fall.

Applications may only be accepted from a legal, registered, Canadian charitable organisation (or must be sponsored by a UCC ministry site if the organisation is not incorporated) and each project must be associated in some way with the United Church of Canada (UCC). The Good Samaritan Fund does not cover computer or capital expenses.

Applications should be submitted using the standard Regional Council grant application form and should be accompanied by a completed Regional Council grant outcomes report for any past grants received.

Regional Strategic Fund

To support work identified as priority in Strategic Plan

Terms of Reference (Dec 2023)

Purpose: GROWTH

Projects that will renew existing ministries, create new ministries or broaden our invitation to those who have not yet discovered the United Church’s unique ministry (in line with the strategic plan). This fund will not be used to support work that is not identified as a priority in the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Approach and Intent – Growth
1. Ministry and Mission Program proposals that demonstrate a strategic horizon of a minimum of 3- 5 years with the intention that the need and intent are for long duration.
2. Capital projects for new development that demonstrate long-term viability greater than 5 years and are mission appropriate.

Areas of Eligibility

All requests must meet a criterion in that the proposal must be in line with an activity identified in the strategic plan. The applicant should indicate how the proposal will further and/or renew the existing ministry, how this initiative relates to the strategic plan, and how the ministry will evaluate the progress and success of the initiative.

Support for COF – Regional Centers
Proposals that amalgamate congregations for worship, pastoral care and member support.
Capital grants may be awarded for physical modifications to allow for centers to accommodate office, meeting space and activity centers both indoor and outdoor projects or programs.

Support for COF – Community Projects and Partnerships
Proposals that bring mission -oriented community or social programs into existing or surplus church space so that existing congregations can enhance support systems for these programs or even participate in this activity. The grant will allow for capital improvements in order to encourage long-term rentals to mission strategic partners.
Capital grants may be awarded for physical modifications to allow for centers to accommodate office, meeting space and activity centers both indoors and outdoors.

New COF and Community Ministry
Proposals to support emerging COF and emerging community ministry.
Capital grants may be awarded for physical modifications to allow for centers to accommodate office, meeting space and activity centers both indoors and outdoors.

Rural Forum and Remote area support
Proposals that support rural networking.
Proposals to support remote and isolated members through online and visiting ministry.

Proposals that support initiatives brought forward by Justice advocates from COF or new programs in community-based ministries .
Proposals that support environmental justice projects.

Proposals that create a framework for development of cooperative crisis management plans for climate emergencies. Priority will be given to plans involving multiple COF as this should be consistent and repeatable across the Region.

First Third Ministries
Proposals to support Region wide youth programming .

Regional Leadership Education and Ministry Forum
Proposals that support education through a CrNRC Education Center in partnership with UTC or others that provide leadership education.
Proposals to provide education to allow ministry personnel to provide innovative and cutting-edge worship.

Fund Management

F&E Board holds the Regional Strategic Fund and is responsible for investing these funds consistent with the F&E Board policy.
Source of Funds: 10% of Proceeds from church property sales

A disbursement of up to 6% per year of the fund balance will be permitted.
Unused funding may roll over to the next calendar year and used for additional grants .
Grants will generally be limited to $10,000.
Projects will be limited to 2 grants subject to submission and review of the evaluation report of the first grant.

Granting and Enabling Leadership Team will review applications and make recommendations for grants that will be approved by the CrNRC Executive.

Rosemary Lambie Fund for Learning

Respecting our Indigenous Neighbours

Terms of Reference

  1. On the joint recommendation of the Living into Right Relations Leadership Circle (LIRR) and the Property and Finance Leadership Team (PFLT) the Conseil regional Nakonha:ka Regional Council establishes the Rosemary Lambie Fund for Learning: Respecting Our Indigenous Neighbours.
  2. The Fund is to honour the faithful service of the Reverend Rosemary Lambie for many years with Presbytery, Conference and finally as Executive Minister of Regional Council and her commitment to, and passion for learning from, our Indigenous siblings and neighbours.
  3. After seeking the wisdom and guidance of the Mohawk communities of faith in Kanesatake and Kahnawake, and also looking toward building relationship with Indigenous communities in the northern and eastern areas of Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council, the Fund shall be used to promote education, co-learning, and building right relationship so that we all might have a better understanding of the history and/or contemporary experiences and concerns of our Indigenous neighbours. This would require learning to work together “in a good way.”
  4. The PFLT has recommended that approximately 20% of the Contingency Reserve Fund be allocated to create the Fund which would be $100,000 as of January 1, 2023 and the Regional Council accepts this recommendation. Further gifts and allocations to the Fund are permitted and encouraged. The Fund shall be held and administered by the Finance and Extension Board with all disbursements as directed by Regional Council under these Terms of Reference.
  5. Understanding that the needs are great, but that the Fund should endure for a number of years, the disbursement of funds annually is limited to the greater of a) 5% of the capital balance at the beginning of a given year and b) $20,000.
  6. Grant applications would be received by the LIRR Circle who would assume the responsibility of corresponding with the grant applicants regarding any questions. Representatives named by Kanesatake and Kahnawake would be essential in this process. The grants would then be passed on to the Granting and Enabling Leadership Team (GELT).
  7. Grant applications should be in the standard GELT format but GELT shall accept a more abbreviated form as LIRR may recommend. Grant applications may be drafted in Indigenous languages and Regional Council shall assume translation costs into English or French.
  8. As required by Regional Council policy all grants from the Fund shall require the recommendation of the Granting and Enabling Leadership Team (GELT) and must be made to communities of faith of the United Church of Canada or its partners or other registered Canadian charitable organizations.
  9. LIRR may propose amendments to these Terms of Reference which in principle GELT and Regional Council shall accept in good faith.
  10. All parties pray that the Holy Spirit shall guide us in opening ourselves to new possibilities for learning about our Indigenous siblings and neighbours which would be a fitting honour for the Reverend Rosemary Lambie’s example and service among us.
Ste-Thérèse Fund

To support Laurentian Area Ministry in French

Trois Rivières Funds & Grand Mère Fund

To support ministries in French

The purpose of the grants is to offer training, resources, and support for special projects or events in the categories of:

  • Youth camperships and/or travel to camp,
  • Eastern Region lay reps to Regional Council meetings and travel for Supervisors [Eastern Region includes Trois-Rivières, Sept-Îles, Harrington Harbour, Kinnear’s Mills, Inverness, Thetford Mines, Quebec City and Metis Beach]
  • Support for Student Intern program,
  • Licensed Lay Worship Leadership training,
  • French and Bilingual (E/F) ministryOutreach

It is not intended for the purpose of supporting staff salary or the work of an already ongoing ministry. Applications must be received prior to the dates of an event, or activity, with the exception of reimbursement for Eastern Region travel which should be claimed within a month of said travel.

The application must come through a recognized Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council community of faith (formerly known as an Outreach ministry, Community ministry, Youth or Special ministry).

The project or event must not be already receiving funding from Mission Support or another UCC fund, to assure that the same project is not benefitting from two different funds.

Each project is limited to one grant per year, but the project can be renewed in a second year if it is proved that such will be beneficial to the outcome.

Preference will be given to projects which show congregational, community or special ministry involvement in terms of time and or money.

NB: The maximum amount to be granted annually is $7,000

The Grand-Mere Fund is designated for support of the Camino Family Camp

  • The grants are to be given in compliance with the “Mandate of the M&O Conference French Ministry Working Committee” [Mandate of June 8, 2007], drawing upon up to $25,000 of capital.
  • Applications are to be made through the Granting and Enabling Leadership Team (c/o Brian Ruse). Deadline for applications is May 15th. The team may choose to add additional deadlines as the need arises.
  • The purpose of the grants is to offer training, resources, and support for French or bilingual (E/F) ministry special projects or events. It is not intended for the purpose of supporting staff salary or the work of an already ongoing ministry. It is not intended for French language training.
  • The application will come through a recognized Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council UC Congregation, Outreach ministry, Community ministry, Youth or Special ministry, Educational ministry, or committee of the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council.
  • The project or event must not be already receiving funding from Mission Support or another UCC fund, to assure that the same project is not benefiting from two different funds.
  • Each project is limited to one grant per year, but the project can be renewed in a second year if it is proved that such will be beneficial to the outcome
  • Preference will be given to projects which show congregational, community or special ministry involvement in terms of time and or money.

Grant request guidelines (Grant Application) for various projects arising out of French ministries being addressed to the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council will include:

  1. A detailed description of the proposed project, including its duration (normally one year).
  2. A description of the anticipated outcomes and benefits provided.
  3. A budget for the project; the budget shall include:
    • All income and expenditures (the requested amount can include amounts for honorariums and mileage at the regional council rate).
    • A copy of the most recent annual report from the accountable ministry, including the annual financial statement and all the reserve funds. A letter of support from the Official Board or equivalent ministry to whom the project is accountable must accompany the application.
  4. An indication of how the financial aid received will be publicly recognized.
  5. A Grant Outcomes Report must be sent without fault following the end date of the project indicating the actual outcome.

NB: The maximum amount to be granted is $7,000

Mission Support

For missions and ministries core funding needs

*****Please note that Mission Support grant applications are only accepted once a year (September)*****

The purpose of the Regional Council Mission Support Grant is to provide financial support to communities of faith (pastoral charges, outreach ministries/community ministries), and other identified projects that need financial assistance.

Each year the General Council of The United Church of Canada makes funds available to support identified mission activities in regional councils. The Communities in Ministry Unit (CIM), in consultation with the regional councils, allocates blocks of money for Mission Support Grants. These are awarded by the regional councils after careful consideration of expressed needs and church resources. Within the limit of the General Council funds allocated, each regional council has considerable flexibility in establishing its own priorities.

Mission Support Grants Application Process

The Mission Support Grant process requires the following:

  1. Application form (MSG Revised: 2021 Mission Support and Regional Council Grant) can be downloaded from www.united-church.ca/forms and is also available from your regional council office. It must be fully completed with required financial documentation attached. It can be submitted by e-mail attachment or regular mail.
  2. Proof of charitable status. Have you filed last year’s CRA T3010 form? A copy of the CRA printout must be included with application.
  3. Approval by regional council. Applications must be submitted to Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council office (c/o Brian Ruse) by September 15.
United Church of Canada Foundation

To support communities of faith in various programs

For more information: https://www.unitedchurchfoundation.ca/

For information about Technology Support Grants, please see the United Church of Canada web site

For additional funding possibilities, visit The United Church of Canada Foundation web page