As we approach the 100th anniversary of The United Church of Canada in 2025, we realize that the future may be quite different from the past, even when it builds on wisdom and experience gathered over the years. It is a normal human response to experience fear based on uncertainty, and grief over the loss of the familiar. We are called to acknowledge those responses honestly… but also, to create space for love and hope to guide us in new ways. Here are some words of hope from Jennifer Bailey,...
Category: Communities of Faith
Camp Cosmos Times flies when you are having fun as that old adage goes - and the weeks at Camp Cosmos have certainly flown by! Hard to believe we are approaching the end of our 2024 season. Quel été formidable! Des aventures, des découvertes, des apprentissages nouveaux et surtout – beaucoup de divertissement. We were happy to be able to welcome five children with special needs this summer and hope to increase that number next year as there is always a wait list. Some of the Ukrainian...
Just Solutions celebrates 20 years!20 ans de service-accompagnement de Solutions justes A 90+ crowd of the MCM Community of Friends gathered in May to celebrate 20 years of legal services to the migrant population: community colleagues, lawyers, UCC supporters, MCM staff, board, volunteers, students and elders-in-residence and, last but not least, individuals and families who now live in safety thanks to the tireless efforts of the clinic team over the years. Au cours de la soirée, nous avons...
Not every church has the ability to run a Vacation Bible School during Summer Break, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fantastic opportunities for ministry with families in your community. Check-out some of these great ideas from different United churches for inspiration. Special Events Consider hosting a special event like an ice cream sundae social, sing-a-long, field trip, movie night, or church picnic. Make sure to personally invite your families to attend, and ask if there are any...
Not every church has the ability to run a Vacation Bible School during Summer Break, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fantastic opportunities for ministry with families in your community. Check-out some of these great ideas from different United churches for inspiration. If your Sunday School program closes for the summer, or your church worships all-together on Sundays, consider how to include children in all parts of your worship together. Invite children to be leaders taking charge...
Not every church has the ability to run a Vacation Bible School during Summer Break, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fantastic opportunities for ministry with families in your community. Check-out some of these great ideas from different United churches for inspiration. During the height of the pandemic many of our churches created take-home Sunday School or VBS care packages for families to explore. St. John’s United Church in Marathon ON called theirs “Camp-in-a-Box”, it included a...
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