225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015

Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council

incorporates communities of faith and outreach ministries from the former Consistoire Laurentien and Consistoire du Quebec Presbytery of The United Church of Canada.
General Council 45 - Call for Commissioners and ProposalsRegional council gatherings

About Us

What does “Nakonha:ka” mean? Watch this video to learn more…

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Mauris sit amet nisl dictum odio tristique vehicula.


How can we help? Learn more about your regional staff…

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Mauris sit amet nisl dictum odio tristique vehicula.


What’s happening in our region? Check out the calendar of events…

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Mauris sit amet nisl dictum odio tristique vehicula.


How do we do that again? Links to policies, forms and guidelines…

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Strategic Plan

We heard what you said. Here’s how we can achieve those goals together…

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Recent posts

Feeling the heat? Think “green” this summer

On June 4, the United Church celebrated achieving 502 engagements in the Faithful Footprints program. This represents approximately 20% of all United Church communities of faith, with an almost 24% reduction in national Greenhouse Gas emissions! When we think Growth...

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About Us

Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council incorporates communities of faith and outreach ministries from the former Consistoire Laurentien and Consistoire du Quebec Presbytery of The United Church of Canada.

The multilingual nature of our region is an integral part of our identity. In addition to English and French, the primary languages spoken in communities of faith across the region include Mohawk, Spanish, German, Italian, Japanese (including Urdu in worship), Armenian, Hungarian, and Korean.


In honour of Canada's Disability Pride Month (July) and The United Church of Canada's deep, bold and daring commitment to inclusivity for all, here is a link to a recent free webinar about digital accessibility for non-profits. "Making sure your website is easy to use, is not just a regulatory requirement but a smart move for your nonprofit organization. This webinar, hosted by digital agency Torchbox with Nonprofit Tech for Good, highlights the importance of accessibility for users with disabilities and the broader benefits of providing a user-friendly experience for all."[NOTE: On behalf of our regional council which serves multi-lingual communities of faith, I am pleased that my question about ensuring accessibility in multi-lingual environments was addressed during the question period at the end of the video!]*****En l'honneur du mois de la fierté des personnes handicapées (juillet) et de l'engagement profonde, dynamique et audacieuse de L'Église Unie du Canada en faveur de l'inclusion de tous et de toutes, voici un lien vers un récent webinaire gratuit (en anglais) à propos de l'accessibilité électronique destiné aux organisations à but non lucratif. « S'assurer que votre site Web est facile à utiliser n'est pas seulement une exigence réglementaire, mais une décision intelligente pour votre organisation à but non lucratif. Ce webinaire, organisé par l'agence numérique Torchbox avec Nonprofit Tech for Good, souligne l'importance de l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées et les avantages plus larges d'une expérience conviviale pour tous et pour toutes. »[NOTE : Au nom de notre conseil régional qui dessert des communautés de foi multilingues ici au Québec, je suis très heureuse que ma question sur l'accessibilité dans les environnements multilingues ait été abordée pendant la période de questions à la fin de la vidéo!].#Nakonhaka #UCCan #egliseunieducanada #DeepBoldDaring #profondedynamiqueaudacieuse #AccessibleCanada #CanadaAccessible #NonProfitTechForGood #torchbox ... See MoreSee Less
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Click on the link below for the July 17 issue of the Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council newsletter / Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour télécharger le bulletin du Conseil régional Nakonha:ka du 17 juilletbit.ly/2024-07-17-CrNRC-Newsletter-Bulletin#Nakonhaka #UCCan #egliseunieducanada ... See MoreSee Less
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