225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015

Something to ponder

The importance of education in the continuous effort to create a just and equitable society cannot be understated. It acts as a potent force and catalyst for social change, especially in the area of social justice, which is the main focus of Respect & Kanoronhkwátshera. This is the reason why I have chosen to prepare posts that will remind us of a piece of the history and impact of colonialism, for our different platforms.

Educating ourselves about a range of social justice concerns will help us to comprehend systemic inequality’s underlying origins and effects on a deeper level. This increased consciousness will hopefully act as a trigger to develop compassion and empathy, which will help establish the groundwork for constructive societal transformation, which we are, more than ever, in dire need.

People who receive a comprehensive education are more equipped to combat preconceptions and biases when they are immersed in the complexities of many cultures and backgrounds. In addition to encouraging diversity, this also helps our communities’ social peace grow. Education promotes the development of these abilities since they are essential for tackling the complex issues that arise from societal inequalities. People who possess these abilities are more equipped to support systemic reforms that address societal inequalities and contribute to the development of creative solutions.

Education is a powerful tool for ending the spread of discriminatory ideas and the cycle of ignorance. Through introducing people to a range of viewpoints and historical backgrounds, education halts the spread of prejudiced beliefs. This creates a generation that is naturally tolerant and egalitarian, establishing the foundation for a community that is more peaceful.

Let’s hope for the creation of a better society as we celebrate the transformational power of education in fostering social justice.


A special day in Canada’s history: on January 18, 2024, the final agreement on Nunavut land claim has been reached.

Here are all the details in this APTN News article: https://www.aptnnews.ca/national-news/canada-and-nunavut-sign-devolution-agreement-heres-what-it-means/ 

Save the date

On February 14, there will be a vigil Memorial March Honouring Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit Peoples (MMIWG2S+/FFT2EADA) at 6pm at Cabot Square. Event organized by Iskweu.

Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/events/498934052265336?ref=newsfeed

Food for thought

How do you think the Indian Act affects your life today? Do you think it has impacted your relationships with people and the land you’re on?

Source: Home on Native Land, a ten-week course from Raven: https://homeonnativeland.com/ 

Answer to January 17 question

In Canada, what percentage of the land is reserve land? The answer is 0.2%

Source: Home on Native Land, a ten-week course from Raven: https://homeonnativeland.com/ 

A reminder

Please send us what each of you are doing across the region.

Email Avi Abrams, program coordinator, at respect.kanoronhkwatshera@gmail.com

Stay tuned for optional resources and ideas for the dedication of the Mohawk Bible.