Thursday March 11, 2021 is being designated as a day to honour the memories of the 10,000 + people who have died in Quebec during the past year as a direct result of COVID-19; real people with names, faces, families, and stories.
Communities of faith and individual members of Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council are encouraged to participate in the following events.
Government Memorial at 12:00 pm (noon)
Communities of faith are invited to place a white rose at the entrance of their building and to ring bells/carillon for three minutes, starting at 1:02 pm, after words from Premier Legault.
Interfaith Memorial at 8:00 pm
La Table interreligieuse de concertation / Interfaith Table is hosting a province-wide online memorial, during which many faith expressions will have a few minutes to share. Rev. Rosemary Lambie will be sharing a prayer on behalf of The United Church of Canada.
As a way of marking this occasion and inviting people to participate, communities of faith are invited to ring their church bells for 15 minutes, beginning at 7:45 pm. Households are also invited to place a white candle burning in their window during the commemoration.
Remembrance during regular worship services
Rev. Rosemary Lambie is also encouraging all the communities of faith in Conseil regional Nakonha:ka Regional Council to include prayers or symbolic acts of remembrance in worship over the coming weekend.
The United Church of Canada is called to be a presence in Quebec. We have:
• 24 pastoral charges with 3,636 households under pastoral care in the greater Montreal area,
• 54 pastoral charges with 3,922 households under pastoral care in the rest of Quebec,
• TOTAL of 7,558 households under pastoral care within Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council
Please participate in the following ways on Thursday, March 11, 2021:
1. For churches with bells, please ring bells at 1:02 pm (for three minutes) and at 7:45 pm (for 15 minutes),
2. Place a white rose at the church door
3. Place a white candle in the window of every household for the 8 pm Memorial, and witness this time of sharing.
***Connection details to follow***