The summer afternoon service, Sundae Sunday, was attended by 50 people, and focused on the theme of “Call” to Ministry; both that of individuals and our collective call as church. The faith communities involved were Mount Bruno – Richelieu Valley United Churches, Saint Lambert United Church and Greenfield Park United Church.
Different readings were shared by those that offered leadership and spoke to their experience of “Call”, and hymns were sung to echo the themes of each reading.
After the service, all were invited to the church hall for “make-your-own” sundaes and a time of fellowship.
The feedback was positive, and many expressed a wish that there be similar combined services in the near future.
Much thanks to all those involved in the planning and facilitating of this celebration, and especially, Pastor Virginia Wallace, Norm Haslam (LLWL), Rev. Birgit Neuschild and Rev. Jennifer Mountain. Thank you also to congregation members Wendy Frail and Shirley LeGrand for helping with the many aspects of this celebration, and to James Thyer for offering music ministry leadership.
The South Shore and Valleys Cluster will meet again in the early Fall to chart the course forward for further collaborations like this one in the coming months.
2022-08-21 Sundae Sunday 01
A group of 50 people gathered for this unique afternoon service of sharing, singing, and sundaes at Mount Bruno United Church. This combined worship celebration was an important step in the building of the South Shore and Valleys cluster.
2022-08-21 Sundae Sunday 02
Virginia Wallace in « time with the children » talking about how God is the Potter, and we are the clay, as spoken of in Jeremiah 18:1-6.