225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015

You may have heard that Statistics Canada has reported that in 2023, hate crimes targeting sexual orientation increased 69% from the previous year. This alarming increase invites communities of faith to think about our national commitment to the just treatment of all of God’s children.

As we sing in our A Song of Faith:

Jesus announced the coming of God’s reign—

a commonwealth not of domination

but of peace, justice, and reconciliation.

All churches, whether they have completed the Affirming Process or not, has a responsibility to speak out against homophobia and transphobia.

Near my hometown, in Southern New Brunswick, a local school just painted a rainbow crosswalk in front of their school. This crosswalk was defaced overnight. The message this sends to queer, trans and curious kids returning to school is devastating. As churches and ministries, we can offer a healing ministry of acceptance to children, youth and their families by loudly offering God’s inclusive welcome. This public witness, a bold discipleship and daring justice, is also a ministry to those who feel entitled to act out with violence and hatred.

This fall, as you welcome old and new members back from the summer, I invite you to think about how you can include a message of inclusive welcome in all that you do. You never know whose life might be changed by that witness of God’s steadfast loving kindness.


– Tori Mullin (they), Growth Animator for Ontario East & Quebec, tmullin@united-church.ca