225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015


Congratulations to 2 MCM board members:

Ade Sunday Akintayo who was named a 2024 CBC BLACK CHANGEMAKER. This award celebrates and amplifies the voices of black individuals from diverse fields. In addition to his work on the MCM board, Ade is involved with the Beaconsfield United and Riverside United refugee integration and support programs as well as studying for ordained ministry – and publishing his first book! Ade’s tireless work on behalf of newcomers is inspiring and impressive!  ORIRE !!!


Dr. Nicole Ives, director of the McGill School of Social Work, received the Governor General’s MERITORIOUS SERVICE DECORATION  for her efforts establishing  Indigenous Access McGill (IAM)  that has supported approximately 40 graduates in recent years. In addition, 225 social work and law students participate in the annual Indigenous Summer Field School in Kanhawake, sponsored by IAM. Nicole, is a ground breaker and role model for the students, volunteers and staff at MCM and, of course, for the wider community. 

Que de belles récompenses – et bien méritées – pour ces deux membres du conseil d’administration qui travaillent sans relâche afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie, de travail et d’études pour des nouveaux arrivants et des autochtones. Nous sommes très reconnaissants de tout ce qu’ils font pour la MCM, notre communauté d’amis, et pour la communauté élargie. 


The fall has gotten off to a busy start at MCM with the arrival of an enthusiastic group of 8 student interns: 

McGill: 5 Nursing; 2 Social Work 

Université de Montréal:  1 Law 

Les stagiaires font une contribution inestimable à notre clinique juridique Solutions Justes et au programme interreligieux-interculturel Maa’n/Ensemble. Leur apport nous permet d’accomplir notre travail et donne de l’énergie à l’équipe. En retour, ces professionnels de demain sont outillés pour leur futur travail!



Last August, the Pollinators Sewing Bee gathered for a friendly conversation, for fellowship after the summer break, and to acquire basic knowledge of Palestinian embroidery (tatreez (التطَرْيز). The participants enjoyed the workshop, engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing experiences, and creating new connections as they learned the traditional Palestinian art of cross-stitching. 

Nous remercions notre invitée spéciale, Neem Al Sana, qui a partagé son expertise et talent, ainsi que les participantes enthousiastes qui ont bravé une pluie diluvienne afin d’être présentes! En raison du conflit actuel au Moyen Orient, de tels espaces de rassemblement, de support et de convivialité sont plus importants que jamais.

Camp Cosmos

A successful first season at our new location of Selwyn House in Westmount ended in early August after 6 weeks of summer fun, music, sports,art and exploration of the city and all the nature it has to offer. Thanks to support from the regional Rosemary Lambie Fund, we were able to begin a conversation pre camp with Indigenous Access McGill and Ben Geboe, Yankton Sioux who participated in a spring MCM Interfaith event. Following these consultations, our first CC Indigenous Program included: a de-colonial training workshop for staff with community member & Concordia faculty Carole Brazeau; a visit to the McCord museum “Indigenous Voices of Today” Exhibition,  and an Indigenous Awareness workshop with Wapikoni mobile. We hope to expand on this initial edition next year. 

Environ 60 campeurs dont 5 ayant des besoins spéciaux, des familles de nouveaux arrivants, nos amis Ukrainians de retour, et des petits francos et anglos d’ici, ont fait connaissance les uns avec les autres dans un cadre enchanteur, éducatif et divertissant. Les amitiés qui dureront dans certains cas toute une vie! 

Nous tenons à remercier le Fond Erskine & America-Mountainside ainsi que la Fondation de L’Église Unie du Canada pour leur soutien précieux.