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Category: News

As shared at Lennoxville United Church – June 18, 2023 May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to thee, Lord.  Amen.  Today’s reading from the 18th chapter of Genesis is both strange and powerful.  Strange – because it is one of those places in the Hebrew Scriptures that bears witness to the presence of other pre-monotheistic religious traditions in the stories that constitute the foundation of our Judeo-Christian narrative.  I had a colleague in the Religion...

Matthew 9:35-10:8 The harvest is plenty, but the labourers few. Since I began to fulfill my responsibilities as the Regional Executive Minister in January, I’ve become particularly worked up about the future of the church. We all know the stories: a church closes every week across Canada. Ministries are having to move to hiring part-time ministers because they can’t afford full-time ones. Some have decided to try to make it work without a minister, without a building or by sharing ministry...

As a Christian church with biblical roots and a liberative theology, we speak out against the growth of intolerance and hatred that is being expressed in Québec, in Canada and internationally. We will not be silent. We are deeply troubled by extremist laws that were adopted this week in Uganda that punish the LGBTQ population and their allies with long jail terms and the death penalty. Uganda is now the twelfth country in the world to create death penalties for the LGBTQ population. We’ve also...

Genesis 1 Matthew 28:16-20 The passages we read this morning are, in many ways, a model for planning our lives together as a church. In the United Church’s New Creed, we talk about God who has created and is creating. God has created in the past and continues to create today. It’s an important reminder that God was there at the start of all things when the world was being created, to set everything into motion… and at the same time God is working in our world today and is accompanying us in...

June 3, 2023 (Sherbrooke, QC) - Popular opinion says that churches of all denominations are declining; the governing body representing United Church communities of faith across Quebec respectfully disagrees and will meet in Sherbrooke on June 3, 2023 to discuss strategic growth instead. With a theme based on the biblical story of Jesus feeding the multitude with five loaves and two fishes, ministers and lay people of Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council will assemble at...