The regional council gathering on May 24 and 25 will be held in person* and on Zoom. (*Please note the two different locations for Friday and Saturday)
The focus will be on “Reinvigorating Evangelism” and exploring what that means to us in today’s context, especially as it relates to our strategic priority for Growth. There will also be an associated learning opportunity about skills and tips for different types of media communications, as well as a celebration of ministry service. Please download the detailed agenda from the documents tab below, but here is a brief overview of the schedule.
Friday, May 24 (afternoon) Media training with Anne Lagacé Dowson at Montreal West United Church – in person
Learn more and register before May 17:
Please invite the people from your community of faith who are responsible for communications to attend the media training session! The more, the merrier!
Friday, May 24 (evening) Celebration of ministry service at Montreal West United Church – in person and online
Learn more and register before May 17:
NOTE: For those planning to attend both the media training and the celebration of ministry, there are several restaurants nearby or you may choose to bring your own supper. There may also be an opportunity to participate in a volunteer choir for the celebration of ministry service (to be confirmed).
Saturday, May 25 (day) Regional council meeting at Wesley United Church (Montreal) – in person and online
Please register by May 22: (link below)
NOTE: Please bring your own lunch and travel mug; coffee and tea will be provided. There are also several restaurants nearby if you choose to go out for lunch.
Bios of candidates for President of Executive (to date)
Other new candidates for Regional Council Executive (to date)
Words before all words (Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address)
Welcome from Moderator Carmen Lansdowne: video (to come)
GC 45 invitation from Moderator (video): English / French
Evan Swance-Smith: video
Tori Mullin: Four Attitudes of Evangelism: video / handout
Mitchell Anderson: video / transcript
Stewardship (Roger Janes): video / transcript
Alternative future models for Executive (PPT) – with notes from group discussions (DOC)
CrNRC Executive Slate 2024 (PDF)
Candidates presentation (PPT)