Stewardship & Gifts
Generosity is our response to God’s call to be compassionate disciples. Together, the people of the United Church live out Jesus’ vision and values by caring for each other and the world. Each and every day, we join God’s life-changing mission to make ourselves, our community and our world more peaceful, just and loving for everyone. “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)
Stewardship Update, February 2025 (Rev. Roger Janes)
Our Latest Stewardship Blog Rev. Brenna Baker celebrates the small acts of giving that surround us, and shares how to inspire and capture the spark of generosity in your community in this month’s blog: What I Learned About Generosity From Holiday Shopping. ...
Stewardship Update – December 2024 (Rev. Roger Janes)
Our Latest Stewardship Blog – Vicki Nelson helps us remember that stewardship is not about the budget! How I Stopping Worrying and Learned to Ignore the Budget. Gifts with Vision – Here is the latest: First of all, great news –...
Stewardship Update – November 2024 (Rev. Roger Janes)
Gifts With Vision The United Church of Canada provides Mission & Service support to partners for their ongoing work in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, and right here in Canada. Gifts with Vision turns gift giving into an opportunity...
Stewardship Update – October 2024 (Rev. Roger Janes)
Registration is now open for 2 exciting stewardship courses. Both of these courses are offered on the CHURCHx platform. If you are new to CHURCHx and have questions, please get in touch with Roger Janes (rjanes@united-church.ca ). Getting Started in...
Rev. Dr. Phyllis Smyth 60th Anniversary Fund (clinical pastoral and spiritual care)
The Rev. Dr. Phyllis Smyth is a retired ordained minister who spent much of her career developing and improving clinical pastoral care and training, initially in palliative care, and subsequently in all hospital environments. Her work and training have spanned the...
Stewardship Update from Rev. Roger Janes – May 2024
May Stewardship Update May is PAR Month: Our Philanthropy Staff Team have just created some resources for pastoral charges to create their own Pre-Authorized Remittance campaign this month (or whenever)! Resources include a Step-By-Step Guide to creating your Own Par...
Stewardship Update from Rev. Roger Janes – April 2024
Called to Be the Church: The Journey: When you are ready to make good stewardship a core part of your community of faith, we are here to help. Each course has a specific focus, enabling you to set goals, create a plan, and be successful, including both learning and...
Stewardship Update from Rev. Roger Janes – March 2024
My Latest Stewardship Blog – “Teamwork Makes the Stewardship Dream Work” Upcoming Stewardship Events – Spring 2024. See here: Called to Be the Church: The Journey Getting Started in Stewardship–The place to begin! Communities of faith that start here have better...
Stewardship News – January 2024
Called to Be the Church: The Journey When you are ready to make good stewardship a core part of your community of faith, we are here to help. Each course below has a specific focus, enabling you to set goals, create a plan, and be successful, including both...
Joining God’s Mission
Mission & Service changes lives. When you give to Mission & Service, you make a profound difference. Through an astounding variety of life-changing ministries and programs in Canada and around the world —including Global and Canadian justice initiatives, Indigenous ministries, community outreach centers, faith formation, innovative ministries and more — your gifts change and save lives. Donate to Mission & Service today!
Gifts With Vision is where your gifts meet the world’s need. Each year’s gift catalogue offers a glimpse of the church’s Mission & Service ministries. It includes gift ideas to suit every interest, budget, and person. Whether you feel God is calling you to care for the environment, support marginalized people through a unique outreach program, or promote Right Relations, Gifts with Vision ensures your gift reflects your values. A thoughtful, year-round gift giving opportunity!
The Healing Fund is one facet of the United Church’s ongoing work of reconciliation with Indigenous people addressing the long-term effects of residential schools. The Healing Fund is used to support innovative and effective programs in Indigenous communities that are helping people in the healing process.
The Emergency Response Fund is one way the United Church responds to urgent needs. Discover the world of difference United Church people are making at our Act Now web page. Learn about other funds on our website.
Stewarding God’s Gifts
Stewardship is everything we think, say, and do after we say “I believe.” Stewardship is all about discipleship – following Jesus’ example in every aspect of life including how we spend our time, take care of our body, direct our talent, set financial priorities and care for the environment. Discover stewardship tips and practical resources for you and your faith community at stewardshiptoolkit.ca.
Stewardship Toolkit is a free, online library of stewardship resources at your fingertips. Developed by and for leaders of The United Church of Canada and other denominations, the Stewardship Toolkit offers you Mission & Service updates, our annual giving program, webinars, posters, brochures, bulletin inserts, articles, narrative budget guides, preaching resources and more.
Called To Be The Church is an annual stewardship resource that will help your faith community become even more generous and make a bigger difference in your community and world. Through the Called to Be the Church congregational giving program, you will inspire people to change lives, invite people to join others to make a difference and thank them for their generosity. Available in print and online, Called to Be the Church is a free, always fresh resource to help you build and sustain generosity in your community of faith.
Realizing God’s Vision
Legacy Gifts make a lasting, meaningful difference that brings Christ’s vital message of compassion and hope to others. Leave a legacy of care and compassion through a bequest in your Will, a gift of life insurance or another type of legacy gift. Learn more about how to leave a legacy gift and/or reach out to your regional Stewardship & Gifts Officer, Karen Seunarine, for more information.
The United Church Foundation puts your dreams for your church into action. The Foundation raises, invests and grants funds to grow faith, develop community, restore healing, and promote peace and justice at home and abroad. Find out more about how the United Church Foundation helps generous United Church people like you make a difference in our world and sustain the work of your church.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Mission & Service
You are at the heart of Mission & Ministry when you give to Mission & Service. By making Mission & Service a part of our giving, we answer God`s call to help mend the world. Each and every day, your gifts – our gifts – transform lives. Together, we make more of a difference that we ever could alone.
Change lives today!
Your generosity makes a difference…
- See inspiring videos of your gifts at work
- Spend a minute reading about the impact of your generosity
- Share the good news of Mission & Service with your community of faith. Find Mission & Service worship resources, giving programs, posters, etc… on Stewardship Toolkit
- Like Mission & Service on Facebook . Follow us on Twitter

Congregational Stewardship
In the ancient world, stewards were people who managed a household on behalf of its owner. Today when we as Christians call ourselves stewards, we make the bold claim that God is the true owner of the household of all that exists: creation, money, time, talent…everything! The world isn’t ours; it’s God’s. And amazingly, God entrusts it to us. Good stewardship means doing our utmost to care faithfully for God’s abundant goodness. Learn more about the theology of stewardship, creating a culture of gratitude, narrative budgets, congregational giving programs and more at stewardshiptoolkit.ca.
Contact Your Regional Stewardship & Gifts Officer

Do you have questions about Mission & Service, giving a legacy gift, or ways that your faith community can effectively increase giving? Our team is here to help. Contact your regional Stewardship & Gifts Officer. We are always happy to hear from you.
Roger Janes
Phone: 709-486-3239
Email: RJanes@united-church.ca