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Category: Worship resources

Not every church has the ability to run a Vacation Bible School during Summer Break, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fantastic opportunities for ministry with families in your community. Check-out some of these great ideas from different United churches for inspiration. Special Events Consider hosting a special event like an ice cream sundae social, sing-a-long, field trip, movie night, or church picnic. Make sure to personally invite your families to attend, and ask if there are any...

Not every church has the ability to run a Vacation Bible School during Summer Break, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fantastic opportunities for ministry with families in your community. Check-out some of these great ideas from different United churches for inspiration. If your Sunday School program closes for the summer, or your church worships all-together on Sundays, consider how to include children in all parts of your worship together. Invite children to be leaders taking charge...

Not every church has the ability to run a Vacation Bible School during Summer Break, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other fantastic opportunities for ministry with families in your community. Check-out some of these great ideas from different United churches for inspiration. During the height of the pandemic many of our churches created take-home Sunday School or VBS care packages for families to explore. St. John’s United Church in Marathon ON called theirs “Camp-in-a-Box”, it included a...

The Living into Right Relations Leadership Circle has developed some ideas to help communities of faith dedicate their copies of the Mohawk Bible with respect and gratitude, including liturgical resources, video clips of Harvey Satewas Gabriel reading from the Mohawk Bible and other resources about the significance of this translation. Ohiatonhseratokénti, The Holy Bible in Mohawk

As shared at Lennoxville United Church – June 18, 2023 May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to thee, Lord.  Amen.  Today’s reading from the 18th chapter of Genesis is both strange and powerful.  Strange – because it is one of those places in the Hebrew Scriptures that bears witness to the presence of other pre-monotheistic religious traditions in the stories that constitute the foundation of our Judeo-Christian narrative.  I had a colleague in the Religion...

The history of residential schools in Canada is a painful scar that continues to re-open in the relationship between indigenous peoples and the settler communities of Canada. After the discovery of the bodies of 215 children found on the grounds of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, many people are walking with indigenous communities in this renewed grief, and would like to better understand the most appropriate actions to take next, after taking time to mourn and lament the lost children...