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Category: Leadership Teams

Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council is thrilled to announce the creation of a new fund to honour the faithful service of the Reverend Rosemary Lambie for many years with Presbytery, Conference and finally as Executive Minister of Regional Council and her commitment to, and passion for learning from, our Indigenous siblings and neighbours. After seeking the wisdom and guidance of the Mohawk communities of faith in Kanesatake and Kahnawake, and also looking toward building relationship...

Manses are subject to UHT (Under Utilized Housing Tax) reporting The United Church of Canada has submitted a formal appeal to the CRA on this topic and has been denied. A broadcast email will go out in early February to Treasurers and ChurchHub primary contacts. Treasurer webinars will include a bit of a "how to" complete the form. In the meantime, here are some FAQ’s … FAQs What is the Underused Housing Tax? The Underused Housing Tax (UHT) is a new 1% annual tax levied on the value of...

Something to ponder The importance of education in the continuous effort to create a just and equitable society cannot be understated. It acts as a potent force and catalyst for social change, especially in the area of social justice, which is the main focus of Respect & Kanoronhkwátshera. This is the reason why I have chosen to prepare posts that will remind us of a piece of the history and impact of colonialism, for our different platforms. Educating ourselves about a range of social...

The goal of Respect & Kanoronhkwátshera is to emphasise Indigenous justice activities while facilitating contact between Indigenous and non-Indigenous organisations. We will target urgent concerns including housing, food security, child welfare, healthcare, and racism via creative and nonviolent public activities, with the goal of bringing these injustices to an end. We use our public acts as a platform to encourage people to advocate for fair and courteous treatment of every resident of...

What comes first; children in church or a space to welcome them in church? How do we create appropriate spaces in our sanctuaries, in our worship, in congregational life in general? What makes a space truly welcoming for children? These are some of the questions that the First Third Ministries Leadership Team is actively exploring. The goal is to provide communities of faith with ideas and resources to create and maintain family friendly spaces. Shanna Bernier (Regional Council), Martha Randy...

As a Christian church with biblical roots and a liberative theology, we speak out against the growth of intolerance and hatred that is being expressed in Québec, in Canada and internationally. We will not be silent. We are deeply troubled by extremist laws that were adopted this week in Uganda that punish the LGBTQ population and their allies with long jail terms and the death penalty. Uganda is now the twelfth country in the world to create death penalties for the LGBTQ population. We’ve also...