225 – 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7 | Phone: 1-800-268-3781 or (514) 634-7015

Category: COVID-19

Some communities of faith are just starting the process of planning for re-opening; the original documents to support that process have moved further down the list on the web site news, so posting the link again here for anyone still needing to submit their plan to the COVID Response Task Group via Brian Ruse (bruse@united-church.ca). REMINDER: All communities of faith are expected to submit their re-opening protocols for review before returning to activities in their buildings.  ...

Hello, On behalf of Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, we would like to seek your continued support in our fight against COVID-19. As a trusted leader, we want to ensure you have the information and tools that can help your community members make informed decisions on vaccination and continue to follow public health measures. To help, we have prepared a list of resources (videos, factsheets, and social media shareables) to assist community leaders as ambassadors in promoting...

***UPDATED 2021-03-31*** In response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has been affecting Quebec since March 2020, representatives of various religious communities have formed a consensus-building table to develop a common protocol to ensure the protection of their members' health during religious services. In the current context of active community transmission of the virus in the province, any gathering of people can represent a significant risk of outbreak in a group or transmission between...

Thursday March 11, 2021 is being designated as a day to honour the memories of the 10,000 + people who have died in Quebec during the past year as a direct result of COVID-19; real people with names, faces, families, and stories. Communities of faith and individual members of Conseil régional Nakonha:ka Regional Council are encouraged to participate in the following events. Government Memorial at 12:00 pm (noon) Communities of faith are invited to place a white rose at the entrance of their...

The Government of Quebec has authorized communities of faith to reopen for worship only for a maximum of 10 people in the church building, including the worship leader/minister, organist/ musician and if someone is operating a camera to livestream or pre-record the worship. Please note that a reopening plan for the church building must have been submitted to the COVID Response Task Group for this to be authorized. Any questions can be referred to the COVID Response Task Group. We realize that...

RELIGIOUS LEADERS HOLD FIRST MEETING WITH PREMIER FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Since its creation last spring, the Table interreligieuse de concertation du Québec has worked to establish a dialogue with the authorities to serve the common good. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, it more particularly encourages dialogue with public health officials, in order to protect together the most vulnerable people in our society. This is how the strict protocols were developed that govern the holding of...