May Stewardship Update May is PAR Month: Our Philanthropy Staff Team have just created some resources for pastoral charges to create their own Pre-Authorized Remittance campaign this month (or whenever)! Resources include a Step-By-Step Guide to creating your Own Par Campaign, A Sample Plan, A PAR Sermon, communication messages, as well as links to other previously shared resources. Keep checking our PAR Webpage for details and appropriate links. Any questions, e-mail Roger Janes. I want to...
Category: United Church of Canada
The United Church Rural Ministry Network (UCRMN) is a national network, that connects electronically sharing stories and news of rural communities across Canada (and around the world), by networking with lay and clergy leaders of rural communities of faith. Find us on website: Let me walk with you through some of the resources on the UCRMN website. Peter Chynoweth (Cochrane, AB) is the web minder. The ‘Network’ connection includes a partner Atlantic Canada network called...
Interfaith Iftar a Resounding Success! Our final of 3 Iftars we organized this Ramadan season together with St. James United, drew 100+ participants on April 8th from the Muslim, Jewish, Christian faiths and wider community. Un repas délicieux a été préparé par notre collectif de traiteur Women Weaving their Dreams/Vers un souffle nouveau et servit par un groupe enthousiaste de jeunes ados bénévoles qui sont des nouveaux arrivants. Plusieurs invités présents ce soir-là avaient perdu des...
By Rev. Tori Mullin, Growth Animator for Eastern Ontario and Quebec This week I attended a fantastic webinar put on by The Presbyterian Outlook in the USA, exploring digital discipleship and specifically how we can use social media as faith communities. Perhaps your church has struggled to know whether you should be on TikTok, Instagram or Facebook. You might have an old Twitter (now called X) account lying dormant out there on the web. The question we grappled with was, how can we create a...
Called to Be the Church: The Journey: When you are ready to make good stewardship a core part of your community of faith, we are here to help. Each course has a specific focus, enabling you to set goals, create a plan, and be successful, including both learning and practical elements. Our next course, Bequests and Estate Giving Spring 2024–Set up a planned legacy giving program for your community of faith runs April 24 and May 8, 2024. May is PAR Month: Our Philanthropy Staff Team have just...
Community Celebrations: Every Ramadan since 2016, our Muslim community has been warmly welcomed at St. James United to celebrate this sacred month. And this year was no exception. Approximately 30 families comprising 70 individuals gathered for a ‘potluck iftar’ in March, bringing their delectable dishes, prepared with love and care. Au coucher du soleil, les familles se sont réunies autour de la table afin de rompre le pain de l’amitié, de renouer avec leurs voisins et de faire de nouvelles...
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